Pasadena Executive Roundtable
The gathering place for leaders of Pasadena area nonprofits
Latest News From The Roundtable

Pasadena Executive Roundtable
The gathering place for leaders of Pasadena area nonprofits
Free Table
The Pasadena Senior Center has a very large conference table to give away; it seats at least 14 people. If you would like it, please contact Charmaine Nelson at CharmaineN@pasadenaseniorcenter.org.
What Will You Accomplish in 2020?
Join the Pasadena Executive Roundtable and presenter Yolanda Williams to think through how to best serve in 2020 with clarity and focus. The meeting is Wed., Jan. 15, 8:30 – […]
State of the City Program January 16th
Please join Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek as he presents his annual State of the City Address. Doors will open at 6:30pm. The program will take place from 7pm-8pm. Mayor Tornek […]
Rekindling the Light of Peace Event Jan 11
The public is invited to join the City of Pasadena’s Human Relations Commission and the Pasadena Martin Luther King Community Coalition for Rekindling the Light of Peace on Saturday, January 11, […]
Finding Your 2020 Vision January 15th
You are invited to our “Finding Your 2020 Vision” workshop, presented by Yolanda Williams. Yolanda Williams is a speaker, coach, author, and success advocate with over 20 years of experience. […]
Economic Power of California’s Nonprofits Webinar
Do California nonprofits employ more or fewer people than the construction industry? Join CalNonprofits for a webinar on January 14th to learn the answer to this and lots of other compelling questions about the economic impact […]
Leadership Learning Opportunity
Executive Directors Leadership Institute (EDLI) EDLI is a 12-month program that helps seasoned executive directors of three or more years leverage and improve their existing talents, skills, and accomplishments so […]
Social Innovation Fast Pitch
Nonprofit leaders receive valuable training and compete for over $35,000 in awards! APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED Two-month mentoring program for some of LA’s most promising nonprofits Culminates with a Fast […]